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Working tirelessly and cheerfully, turning their hand to a huge variety of things not always in the job description, our volunteers are running EWB chapters, hosting fundraisers, inspiring school kids with the possibilities of science, and educating the broader community about the value engineers bring in solving some of the world&#;s most difficult challenges. 

We would not be a movement for Humanitarian Engineering without this amazing team. 

So in their honor for National Volunteer Week we are celebrating this dedication with a special thank you from EWB CEO Pete Baynard Smith, the Shout Out honor roll of volunteers nominated for outstanding contributions, plus why Origin Energy engineers Jenny MacKay and Erhart Stockhausen both volunteer for school outreach through Origin Foundation, Gretel Cannon&#;s Non-Gineers guide to volunteering, reflections on the volunteer spirit at Naidoc week and some inspiring moments capturing the volunteer experience.
