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Leave a Gift in your Will

Leaving a gift in your will is a great way to create lasting impact for the remote and developing communities EWB work with in Australia and across the Asia Pacific region.

People from all walks of life can leave a gift to Engineers Without Borders Australia. Collectively these gifts help fund EWB’s ongoing infrastructure and bush tech work with First Nations communities in remote Australia as well as critical projects in Timor Leste, Vanuatu and Cambodia.

Not all gifts in wills are large, but every one matters – your gift, combined with those from other supporters – will help EWB fund much needed life changing projects tackling a wide range of issues that include access to safe water and sanitation, mobility tech for people living with a disability in rural communities, solar power for ranger bases in far north Queensland, and much more.

You can leave a legacy today that will help build a better future.

Steps to leave a Gift in your Will

A gift in your will is a simple and powerful way to provide ongoing support to the causes closest to your heart, after you have looked after the people you care about. There are many ways you can leave a gift to Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB) in your will. A solicitor or other qualified professional can help make the choice that’s right for you.

The below steps provide some guidance and considerations.

1. Work out the value of your estate

The estate includes assets such as property, investments, shares minus any debts

2. Choose your beneficiaries

Choose the family, friends, charities or organisations you would like to remember in your will.

3. Consider some of these options

Residuary gift

This is what remains of your estate, once other gifts and payments have been made. A residuary gift will keep pace with inflation meaning you are able to choose what proportion of your estate is left to friends, family or charity.

Pecuniary gift

This is a set amount of money determined by you at the time of making or changing your Will. The value of which may decrease over time due to inflation.

Specific gift

A gift of a specific item, such as property or shares.

4. Choose your executors

Appoint the individuals responsible for ensuring that your wishes are fulfilled. They will be named in your will. It’s a good idea to name at least 2 people as executors. Before doing so, check they are happy for you to do this. You can name a bank or solicitor as an executor if you wish.

5. Arrange to see a lawyer

It’s important to ask a legal professional to draw up your will to ensure your wishes are properly carried out. If you don’t know any lawyers, ask your friends and family to recommend one. Alternatively, you can contact the Law Institute or Society in your state or territory.

Ensure your lawyer uses Engineers Without Borders Australia’s correct details in your will:

Engineers Without Borders Australia Ltd

552 Victoria Street

North Melbourne VIC 3051

(ABN: 13 103 896 920)

Suggested wording


“I give all (or …% of) the residue of my Estate to Engineers Without Borders Australia Ltd, for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.”

Pecuniary or specific legacies

“I give to Engineers Without Borders Australia Ltd, the sum of $_______ (or item) for its general purposes free of all duties and taxes payable upon or in consequence of my death. I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.”

6. Keep your will safe

Your solicitor will often look after it for you, but you may wish to retain your own copy too. Tell a relative or close friend where the original copy of your will is stored.

7. Notify us

Please notify Engineers Without Borders Australia of your intentions. While not mandatory, any information that can help EWB plan for the future and our partnerships with vulnerable and developing communities is greatly appreciated.

For help establishing your lasting legacy, please don’t hesitate to contact Sharon Bocarro, EWB Chief Development Officer.

Call: (+61) 431 828 708

Email: s.bocarro@ewb.org.au