+61 3 9108 7215 info@ewb.org.au
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Let’s flatten the curve, and let’s make the next curve flatter

Let’s flatten the curve, and let’s make the next curve flatter

EWB Board Member Peter McArdle reflects on COVID-19 and where it lands in the humanitarian-development nexus. Never before has the public been so captivated by a graph. Sure, engineers are used to taking solace in the comfort of a curve, but this is not… typical,...
Farming tech from afar

Farming tech from afar

Pictured: Concept note for an Agrilab project The Agrilab is a co-design and capacity building program working to enable accessible agricultural livelihoods for people living with disabilities in rural Cambodia. The Agrilab involves a series of codesign workshops,...
Sonya Rand joins the Board of EWB Australia

Sonya Rand joins the Board of EWB Australia

EWB is delighted to announce the appointment of Sonya Rand to the EWB Australia Board.  A Chartered Chemical Engineer, Sonya has held advisory roles with the Australian Attorney General’s Office and DFAT, addressing issues of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery in...
Women In Engineering Day 2020: webinar

Women In Engineering Day 2020: webinar

View the webinar recording here. Despite the opportunities available to women in engineering, the percentage of women in the engineering workforce sits below 13%. Defying the national trend, at Engineers Without Borders Australia, women make up 30-45% of the programs...