22 Sep, 2020 | Blog, ENGINEERING STORY
From bathroom blitz to curriculum crowdsourcing – how EWB and CfAT have evolved a partnership to deliver successful outcomes for North Queensland Indigenous communities. Twelve years ago, six volunteers and ten Kaiadilt fellas boarded two tinnies and a...
22 Sep, 2020 | Blog, UNI PARTNER STORY
EWB Australia has partnered with Engineers Australia to pilot a new approach to engaging engineering students at university. The initiative was launched at a recent event with students at the University of Western Australia (UWA) and key state leaders at the frontline...
22 Sep, 2020 | Blog, Local Chapters, NSW Chapter, UNI PARTNER STORY
In a time of unprecedented social isolation, where in-person events are unviable, five NSW EWB university chapters collaborated to take their annual Inter-University Design Corner competition online, for the first time ever! “[I loved about this event…]...
13 Sep, 2020 | Blog, ENGINEERING STORY
Our work in Vanuatu is delivered through an ongoing peer partnership with EWB New Zealand, which commenced over ten years ago. EWB Australia and EWB NZ work together strategically – coordinating initiatives jointly as well as alongside each other – across...
9 Sep, 2020 | Blog, EDUCATION STORY
EWB Australia teams up with organisations and industry determined to expose more girls and young women to STEM pathways and careers in the STEM Design Challenge. It’s a massive conundrum for country Australia – how to water crops in times of drought. Year six students...